Summary of the proposed measures to support health and social care during the pandemic

I promised I would share guidance as I come across it. The latest proposals for emergency legislation are summarised here: I have to say, as short term measures, a lot of this sounds sensible and pragmatic. Suggesting delays to continuing healthcare assessments did give me pause, simply because I can’t imagine that process becomingContinue reading “Summary of the proposed measures to support health and social care during the pandemic”

Ordinary residence: in more detail

Because nothing is ever quite as simple as it seems, let’s now take a look at the types of situation where things get complicated and where a dispute arises as to ordinary residence. I will start by saying that a lot of disputes start because one authority, or both, is misunderstanding the basic provisions discussedContinue reading “Ordinary residence: in more detail”

But first, some basics…

My role involves primarily dealing with 3 pieces of legislation: Mental Health Act 1983; Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Act 2014. I am going to attempt to summarise the key bits of these pieces of legislation insofar as they relate to core adult social care local authority work for you, in case you readContinue reading “But first, some basics…”