Summary of the proposed measures to support health and social care during the pandemic

I promised I would share guidance as I come across it. The latest proposals for emergency legislation are summarised here:

I have to say, as short term measures, a lot of this sounds sensible and pragmatic. Suggesting delays to continuing healthcare assessments did give me pause, simply because I can’t imagine that process becoming any more drawn out and disfunctional than it already is. But that is just because arguing with my local CCGs is becoming almost a full time job in itself.

Beyond that, I am concerned about the lack of mention of DoLS. I worry that this disregard for human rights, and the scaling back of social care support contained within these proposals could become something more sinister. Anyone who has attended any of my training courses will know that I am quite passionate about ensuring universal human rights. The idea of reducing the protection that these rights cover when it is convenient, or narrowing the protection those rights afford so that they don’t cover the whole population scares me. I have watched too many sci-fi films not to have developed a distrust of such actions, however innocent they may seem initially.

But that is a rather dark rabbit hole that I, hopefully, will not have to explore with you all. For now, let’s take heart in the fact that there is recognition of the pressure all of this will create for health and social care systems and the government is trying to ease that for you, with some acknowledgement that prioritisation of resources will be needed.

Stay safe out there guys, and feel free to comment or email me with any concerns you may have. I am limited in the advice I can give on specific cases, but if I can help, I will. Even if it just by hosting a forum for these issues to be discussed.

In case it isn’t obvious from the fact I still haven’t identified the authority I work for, the views expressed on this blog are my own opinion and not the opinion of that local authority

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