Micro-management or proper scrutiny: finding the balance

It’s often said in court of protection proceedings that the court ought not to micromanage a care package. That is certainly true but the court does need to properly scrutinise a care package to ensure that it is in P’s best interests. There is a balance to be struck and today I’m going to talkContinue reading “Micro-management or proper scrutiny: finding the balance”

The great care plan conundrum

Most people in this field will have heard of a care plan, support plan or care and support plan. They are a key document in the whole system that serve a number of different purposes. Yet there is one big problem, the elephant in the room that not many people outwardly acknowledge: most care plansContinue reading “The great care plan conundrum”

Keep calm and carry on: when a solicitor wants to attend a meeting

It has become increasingly apparent to me since I moved out of local authority that my presence is considered somehow intimidating. Quite why professionals find little, smiley 5’1″ me so scary is not entirely clear (especially as I am fully power-dressed right now in a Lion King hoodie and jeans), but it has riled meContinue reading “Keep calm and carry on: when a solicitor wants to attend a meeting”

An urgent move during Court of Protection proceedings: a how (not) to guide

It is inevitable that sometimes in Court of Protection proceedings, there will be times when a move needs to take place urgently. There are any number of reasons why this might happen: arrangements in the community breakdown, safeguarding issues happen, risks increase and sometimes, a really good placement comes up which will be lost toContinue reading “An urgent move during Court of Protection proceedings: a how (not) to guide”

Capacity, care and alcohol consumption

I’ve come across a few cases recently where a key issue has been P’s alcohol consumption and their behaviour when drunk. It’s a tricky area that we have had some difficulty navigating, so it seemed like a worthwhile topic to write about. The first example concerns A, a middle-aged man with an acquired brain injuryContinue reading “Capacity, care and alcohol consumption”