Discussing care plans within court proceedings: part 1 – the broad brush

I am surprised by how often with my job I find myself in a situation where everyone round the table has a different idea of what the court’s role is when discussing care planning. I am talking predominantly about cases where there is some kind of dispute about a care plan, for example, where thereContinue reading “Discussing care plans within court proceedings: part 1 – the broad brush”

About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings part 3

This is the third post in a series about changing your mind during Court of Protection proceedings. If you’ve not read parts 1 and 2, feel free to do so. But I’ll briefly recap the scenario too. Essentially, my client was in a care home, suffering from dementia and objecting to her residence there. HerContinue reading “About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings part 3”

About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings – part 2

In this series of posts, I’m exploring how to approach a situation if, during Court of Protection proceedings, the professionals views about what I’d viable or what is in P’s best interests. It happens sometimes, and it’s inconvenient and difficult to navigate. But not impossible to achieve. I’m using an example from my recent casesContinue reading “About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings – part 2”

About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings – part 1

I want to talk about a relatively common occurrence that occurs during Court of Protection proceedings: changing the professional recommendations. In writing this I’ve realised I have a lot to say on this topic so I’ve broken it down into 4 parts. To start us off, I’ll set the scene. In one of my casesContinue reading “About face: changing your position during Court of Protection proceedings – part 1”

A reminder of why DoLS matters

In this post I’m going to talk about one of my recent cases which I think highlights why the whole DoLS process is important. I think it’s very easy when systems are overworked, and when it is acknowledged that the current process is far from ideal, to start to see DoLS as an inconvenience andContinue reading “A reminder of why DoLS matters”

Micro-management or proper scrutiny: finding the balance

It’s often said in court of protection proceedings that the court ought not to micromanage a care package. That is certainly true but the court does need to properly scrutinise a care package to ensure that it is in P’s best interests. There is a balance to be struck and today I’m going to talkContinue reading “Micro-management or proper scrutiny: finding the balance”

An urgent move during Court of Protection proceedings: a how (not) to guide

It is inevitable that sometimes in Court of Protection proceedings, there will be times when a move needs to take place urgently. There are any number of reasons why this might happen: arrangements in the community breakdown, safeguarding issues happen, risks increase and sometimes, a really good placement comes up which will be lost toContinue reading “An urgent move during Court of Protection proceedings: a how (not) to guide”

Round table meetings: what to expect

Today I am going to talk about round table meetings during Court of Protection proceedings. Or RTMs as they are commonly referred to. They are a very valuable part of the process, but when invitations go out, I do get people calling me up to ask about what the meeting is for, and what they’llContinue reading “Round table meetings: what to expect”

The transformation of social care

I wanted to take some time to talk about the government’s announcement in relation to future social care funding. I am going to try very hard to put my political views to one side here, and just give you a breakdown of what was announced, and what this means for social care in England. TheContinue reading “The transformation of social care”

I’ve been notified about s21A proceedings, what do I do?

This is a question I get asked a lot, so I will try to talk you through the process as well as I can, both for professionals and family members. If you don’t know what s21A proceedings are, don’t worry, not many people do. They are very specialised proceedings in the Court of Protection broughtContinue reading “I’ve been notified about s21A proceedings, what do I do?”